

In case of emergency call 校园安全 909.607.2000.

If you call 9-911 from a campus phone or 911 from a cell phone, follow up with a call to 校园安全.


  • Ask the caller questions:  Where is the bomb? When is the bomb set to go off? 它看起来像什么?
  • Take notes on everything said and be sure to notice any background noise, voice characteristics, etc.
  • Report the threat immediately to 校园安全 at 909.607.2000 (ext. 72000).


  • Take cover under a desk or table, protecting as much of your body as possible, especially your head and neck.
  • Stay away from windows and objects that may fall.
  • 不要在外面跑.
  • If outdoors stay in an open area.
  • 震动停止后, evacuate to the nearest evacuation area, and report to the evacuation coordinator, provide support as designated by your department head, or other emergency personnel.
  • 看到 应急准备 for additional information on preparing and responding to earthquakes.


  • Calmly and quietly walk to the nearest exit.
  • 不要使用电梯.
  • Follow the instructions of evacuation coordinators, or other emergency personnel.
  • 参观 疏散 Plan and Map for additional information.

  • Activate the closest fire alarm.
  • Evacuate to the nearest evacuation assembly area and report to those around you.
  • 呼叫 909.607.2000 and report the location and nature of the fire.
  • 读了 fire procedures document (PDF) for additional information.


  • Evacuate the area of the spill or release.
  • Notify those around you to evacuate.
  • 呼叫 909.607.2000 and notify 校园安全 of the following: location of release, 材料名称, 以及释放时间.


  • 呼叫 909.607.2000 to notify 校园安全 and report the nature of the illness or injury and the location.
  • Immediately notify proctor, supervisors, or facilities and maintenance 909.621.8226.
  • Provide medical care as appropriate.

Shelter in Place/Violent Intruder

  • Take shelter in a room, office, or building that can be locked from the inside.
  • Avoid open areas that cannot be secured such as labs, auditoriums, or hallways.
  • 关闭 window, turn off lights, silence phones, computers and radios. 避免被人看见.
  • If it is safe to do so, use a cell phone or a computer to check for email or text updates.
  • Unless released via emergency notifications, await contact by safety officials.
  • 读了 shelter in place/violent intruder protocol 了解更多信息.